The mission “Autumn migration 2019” was successfully completed


In the period from 25 of August to 05 of October in 2019 in the Burgas region a monitoring of migratory soaring birds organized by the Consortium “Dicon-Particip” was conducted, within the project: “Analyzes and studies of the species and natural habitats in Bulgaria, subject to reporting under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive and Art. 12 of the Birds Directive”, with Beneficiary the Executive Environment Agency (ExEA), funded by the Operational Programme “Environment 2014 – 2020”.

The purpose of the 42-days mission was to be checked the way of functioning of the present monitoring methodology of the migratory soaring birds, included in the biodiversity National Monitoring System. The observations were carried out in five points for monitoring: Atanasovsko Lake, Vetren, Ravadinovo, Ravnets and Suhodol. 14 field experts with proven experience in birds monitoring were involved. For determination of the exact location of the monitoring points was conducted preliminary field research.

During the mission the birds from 76 different types were registered. The abundance of birds was largest at the point Atanasovsko Lake – over 170 000 individuals from different types.

The data and the obtain experience from the “Autumn migration 2019” mission will be used for refinement of the Monitoring Scheme of the migratory soaring birds, preparing by the consortium within the National Bird Monitoring Concept in Bulgaria.

The Field Forms in paper and in digital format were provided to the ExEA.

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