Science • Innovations • Development
We support our clients in their decisions for a better future.

Dicon Group in numbers:

100 000+
trained persons

The dynamic of the modern world is difficult to adapt to, both for individuals and organizations. Our goal is to support our clients by providing them with services based on modern scientific approaches and technologies, by integrating multidisciplinary and international teams of experts in accordance with their specific needs.

Our goal is to build long-term relationships founded on partnership and trust, enabling us to achieve strategic objectives through the successful implementation of high-quality projects with measurable results and sustainability.

Green policies
Compliance and transparency
Commitment to a better future
Trainee program

At Dicon Group, we highly value the enthusiasm and innovative ideas of young specialists. To support ambitious individuals embarking on their careers, we have developed a trainee program specifically designed to introduce them to the dynamic fields of project management, analysis, research, performance organization, and communication.

Expert area

For professionals with proven experience, innovative thinking, teamwork skills, and high personal and business ethics, who are oriented toward achieving high-quality results, excel in communication, and are naturally adaptable to multicultural environments.

EuropaBON Final Stakeholder Conference on 27-28 May 2024
Artificial Intelligence in European Science
Dicon's participation in a Conference on topic: “Shaping the future European biodiversity monitoring framework”
Twenty-two Conservation Schemes for Farmland Birds presented by the Birds@Farmland Initiative
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