A meeting has been held on 26 June 2019 to discuss the Document for Natura 2000 objectives. The Document has been developed under the project: „Knowledge of Natura 2000”, with the beneficiary - the NNPS Directorate of the MoEW, funded under the Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020.". The document is key for managing the network. Its main philosophy includes three elements: Clarity, Guidelines and Flexibility.
The document clarifies the objectives on the three different levels (the biogeographic/national level, the network Natura 2000 level and the region/zone level), through which Bulgaria will fulfill its Natura 2000 commitments as an EU Member State. It allows flexibility in the selection and implementation of measures to achieve the objectives since the scope, location and timing of these measures will be elaborated with further details in the Natura 2000 management plans. The document also addresses the issue of efficiency in the implementation of the measures - the implementation of what type of measures in which areas will lead to achieving fast and lasting results while investing the less time and financial resources.
Representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW), the Regional Inspectorates for Environment and Water (RIEW), the scientific and nature conservation community and the business have taken part in the discussions.
The Natura 2000 Document is available in Bulgarian language on the link: https://www.moew.government.bg/bg/proekt-na-dokument-za-celite-na-natura-2000-8680/
By 26.07.2019, all interested parties can submit their comments and suggestions to the following e-mail: projects@dicon-bg.com