A field training of experts from the Regional Inspectorate on the Environment and Water and the National Natural Parks will be held


A field training of experts from the Regional Inspectorate on the Environment and Water and the National Natural Parks will be held in the between the 20th and the 23rd of November 2012 in Interhotel Veliko Turnovo. The training will focus on the methodologies for mapping and determination of the conservation status, part of the project “Mapping and Determination of Conservation Status of Habitats and Species – Phase I”, commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment and Water of Bulgaria (click here)

The training will be divided in two main parts – theoretical and practical. Within the first part, the participants will become acquainted with the approved methodologies for mapping and their application, as well as with the main activities, related to the preparation of the field work and the reporting of results from field missions. During the practical sessions, a series of fieldwork trainings will be held on previously identified routes and experts will receive advice and gain experience in primary field data processing.

The training will end with a closing discussion in the afternoon of the fourth day.

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