The training for flood action in entire Northern Bulgaria will begin in September 2019


The trainings are conducting under the project "Centers for increasing the population’s preparedness for reacting in floods", with the beneficiary - the Chief Directorate “Fire Safety and Civil Protection” at the Ministry of Interior (CDFSCP-MoI), financed under the Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020". A total of 90,000 students, retired people, and representatives of public administrations, non-profit organizations and businesses will be included in the training until the end of the project. The lecturers are 700 employees of CDFSCP-MoI, who have undergone specialized trainings for working with representatives of the different target groups. The training programs are tailored to the project, using the previous experience of Austria, Poland, the Netherlands and France. Two Teachers' Guides have been developed - for self-rescue and for "class hour" training.

More information about training activities is available here.

The progress of the training is accounted in the table below:

In September 2019, trainings in northern Bulgaria will be launched and those in the southern part of the country will continue.

Registering groups for the 5-day training for students from 3rd to 5th grade for the 2019/2020 school year continues till the end of July 2019.

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