Trainings for elderly people, over 60-years-old, from the Southwest planning region have started, under the project “Centers for increasing the population’s preparedness for reacting in floods”, of the General Directorate “Fire Safety and Civil Protection


On March 7th and 8th 2019, in Sofia was conducted the first training, for the Southwest planning region, for elderly people outside of the working age, over 60-years-old, under the project “Centers for increasing the population’s preparedness for reacting in floods”, of the General Directorate “Fire Safety and Civil Protection” at the Ministry of Interior (GDFSCP-MoI), funded under Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020".

Participants from Gotse Delchev and Hadzhidimovo took part in the training, where they became acquainted with the types of floods and the actions before, during and after them. Practical exercises to prepare a family plan and to assist rescue teams during evacuation were conducted.

The trainings will continue through the whole 2019 and 2020, and will comprise 6000 elderly people from all over the country.

Project "Centers for increasing the population's preparedness for reacting in floods" is carried out with the financial support of Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020" co-funded by EU through European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.

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