Updating the NPAF and conducting campaigns to increase the support and to raise the knowledge for the NATURA 2000 network management in Bulgaria


On 01.10.2018 the contract between MOEW and Consortium "Communication for Natura 2000" for the execution of the project “Updating the NPAF and conducting campaigns to increase the support and to raise the knowledge for the NATURA 2000 network management in Bulgaria”, funded under Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020", with the leading role of Dicon Group Ltd., in partnership with the Austrian Environment Agency (Austria) and Hotel TV Ltd (Bulgaria), was signed.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Upgrading and creating high levels of awareness of the key aspects of implementing EU and Bulgarian Natura 2000 policies - the implementation of the Natura 2000 management approach, the role and stakeholder involvement in the process for the development of Natura 2000 management plans and the implementation of the measures envisaged in them;
  • Increasing the capacity and contribution of stakeholders for the attainment of the Natura 2000 objectives;
  • Improving the congruence between the measures envisaged in the NPAF and the actual funding needs.

Project "Updating the NPAF and conducting campaigns to increase the support and to raise the knowledge for the NATURA 2000 network management in Bulgaria" is carried out with the financial support of Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020" co-funded by EU through European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.

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