In March and April 2018 four two-week trainings were conducted in Austria and Poland under the project “Centers for increasing the population’s preparedness for reacting in floods”. 64 employees of the CDFSCP-MoI participated in the trainings, which main purpose was collection of experience and good practices in the field of preparation of the population for reaction in floods and subsequent crises.
In Austria the training was hosted by The Austrian Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt GmbH). The employees of the CDFSCP-MoI visited different organizations and institutions, including The Managing Authority 45 (Municipal Administration 45), responsible for the protection against floods from the Danube River in Vienna, as well as The Austrian Civil Protection Association (ÖZSV), which informs the population about the civil protection in Austria, especially about adequate behavior during emergencies.
The experience and good practices of The Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Museum of Firemen, the Austrian Red Cross, the Austrian Samaritan Federation, and the Austrian Civil Protection Association of the Lower Austria Region - Information / Training Center in Tulln were studied.
In Poland the training was hosted by the Primary School for fire safety, for the training of the personnel of the State Fire Brigade, which is a public state university for training firefighters and state fire service officers, as well as civilians in the field of public security and civil protection. The Primary School is an organizational unit of the State Fire Brigade and, in this sense, participates in firefighting, natural disaster relief or local threat eradication as well as performing other tasks defined by Polish law. The school is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of the Interior. During the two trainings in Poland, the employees of the CDFSCP-MoI also visited The State Fire Department, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute, Polish Red Cross and Security Center - Department of Security and Crisis Management.
Project "Centers for increasing the population's preparedness for reacting in floods" is carried out with the financial support of Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020" co-funded by EU through European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.